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Office Directions
Parking: Please park to the right of Gulliver's, or continue driving on between the buildings to the back parking lot. Office: Follow the sidewalk beside Gulliver's (you'll pass Suites 1 and 3 on the left), until you see the double doors. Go through the double doors, turn left and continue towards the mirror and Suite 6 will be on the right. Thank you and we're excited to see you!
Call The Midwives
To reach the Midwives at MI BIRTH our "on call" phone number is (313)-351-5331, this number should be used when you are in labor, postpartum or for urgent needs. If you have non-urgent needs about scheduling, payments etc, please use the client portal, we will answer messages during business hours Mon-Fri. WHEN TO CALL IN LABOR: (Unless you have been told otherwise due to distance, a history of fast labors, etc)When your contractions are around 5-6 minutes apart, contractions lasting around 55-65 seconds, and the contractions have stayed at this intensity and frequncy for around an hour. This is not an exact science as every body and every pregnancy and labor is different, if you think you/your partner or support person think you should call us, please do. If your labor is moving very quickly or escalates, (water breaks, lots of bloody show, vomiting several times in a row etc), call the midwives and we'll make a plan. Once you've called, unlock the door to allow us entry if labor is moving very quickly.